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Airwolf, my great admirer envious

    • 60 posts
    August 26, 2018 9:18 AM PDT

    Everyone see, here Airwolf recorded me and uploaded me to your YouTube channel. I label myself as mediocre, and it is a demonstration of his total envy towards me. I think he's my big fan. The number 1, following my steps.

    • 34 posts
    August 26, 2018 3:40 PM PDT

    Bengala, there is no need to harass him with 2 different accounts, if you think you can take him just duel him 

    • 60 posts
    August 26, 2018 4:52 PM PDT
    Do you also think I'm Bengal? haha I'll add you to the list. On the one hand it is a compliment to be confused with him, on the other hand I worry that they are so turkey ...