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Rope Gun

    • 254 posts
    November 23, 2018 9:19 AM PST

    I came up with this idea last night - as well as a few scenarios for its use.

    It would be a Secondary "weapon". Basically you would fire it at a target {for example: the side of a mountain or tall building, or the underside of a bridge} and the line would stick and you would use it to climb up or drop down. To release your hold on the line you'd press "Fire" again while the Rope Gun is active. There would be a maximum of 5 shots {or maybe 10, I suppose} per round - though rechargeable via the 'store'.

    Lines would remain until the end of that Round and anyone could use them by jumping up within reach of line {automatically grabbing line}. Jumping in a direction would release hold in this case {when the line user isn't the one who put the line up}.

    Below are a few scenarios I thought of for its use:

    Scenario 1:
    Climbing the side of a building, at the top of the rope the Player would automatically 'jump' above it a bit. If the Player attached the rop to the very top of the building this 'jump' would allow the Player to get onto the roof.
    Climbing cliffs/mountains. This method would be faster than jumping/climbing normally.

    Scenario 2:
    Swinging from one side to another {such as from one rock to another in TPile or over water like in TheRoad - using a bridge}. Player would target the middle of a higher spot {bridge in TheRoad} and press "Fire". After the line sticks Player could jump and would swing. Player would then release his/her hold by pressing "Fire" at the right moment - might take practice to get it right.

    Scenario 3:
    Getting up high for shooting. Player could choose a spot up high {on side of building/mountain - somewhere that's not normally accessible by regular means}, set his/her line then go up it {similar to climbing a ladder while the line is being held}. When Player reaches the spot he/she could switch to Primary weapon {Player would still be holding onto line at this point} and fire at target(s). To release from hold on line Player would switch back to Rope Gun and hit "Fire" {though if he/she is high up Player might want to move back down the line first}.

    Scenario 4 {just for fun}:
    Say you have 2 Players on same team in jeep, one in passenger seat, and you happen to pass an enemy Player. Player in passenger seat can "Fire" a line, which would attach to enemy, then drag the enemy behind the jeep {dragged Player would lose a few Hit Points with each bounce}. Pressing "Fire" again would release the line. Might be particularly interesting if jeep was going fast around a curve and enemy player was swinging wide as line is released.

    Scenario 5:
    Player is flying jet. Teammate(s) {1-3} need a lift to other side of map. Jet flies low enough for line(s) to reach and Player(s) fire line(s) to underside of jet then are lifted up and taken to desired area. Also, switching to Primary weapon would allow dangling Player(s) to shoot enemies while being flown around.
    ***Word Of Caution***: If jet is destroyed while Player(s) dangle from line(s) this could cause Player(s) to lose Hit Points or be killed {adding to the attacker's kills}. What I figure is if dangling Player(s) is/are within 3 body-lengths of jet it would be death. Further down would remove Hit Points. Also, if jet is flying too low over objects {building/mountain/etc}, any Player dangling from jet would be injured as they were bashed.

    Scenario 6:
    Hanging from the ceiling of a building, killing enemies as they enter.

    Anyway, that's my thoughts on how it would work. I'm sure there are other ways to use the Rope Gun, whether useful or just for fun.


    This post was edited by BlueDragonFire at November 23, 2018 9:21 AM PST
    • 609 posts
    November 23, 2018 2:10 PM PST

    my main comments about this are, some of those roles are already taken by the gravity and some of those ain't very fit for warmerise since team play isn't much of a vertent of gameplay (it exists, don't get me wrong) for it to be game changing.

  • January 15, 2019 1:45 PM PST

    Wait, isnt grav better than a rope gun?

    • 14 posts
    January 18, 2019 3:49 PM PST

    Veronicacassani said:

    Wait, isnt grav better than a rope gun?

    this gave me an idea, extensions, like changing grav to rope, or lass1 (what i call the base sniper because its too hard to remeber) to railgun, they will count as seperate weapons is its a major change, or in the grav example, just chane its functions slightly, you can take them off and on, and help add new ideas to the game