While the spawn protection is generally a good idea {though as an unrepentant spawn-killer it sucks xD } I was thinking that it should be removed if the player begins shooting. If a spawner doesn't shoot for that 5 seconds then they're protected but otherwise all bets should be off and they're killable.
Vonbear said: Just dont be a dick and stay out of their spawn.
As far as I'm concerned spawn-killing is perfectly legitimate. I don't cry when it happens to me - and it has many times. I play the game to take out as many of the enemy as I can, in whatever non-cheating way I can.
EpicTroll2 said: Or the player still could have the protect so he can get off from spawn without get killed by spawnkillers but he also cant deal damage to other players while he protected?
Yes, that's basically what I'm suggesting. I figure 5 seconds is long enough to look around and see if the enemy is anywhere around then try to get away. Or start shooting and let the death-game begin.
xKietsu said:Yea. The player has a temporary amount of time ( In that process ain't capable of shooting other players) is a great solution.
Well, I didn't say keep them from shooting during that time. But if they shoot before the 5 seconds is up then their protection should be off and the other team can shoot back.
If I understand you right then, a player should be protected from enemy fire during five seconds. During these five seconds he's aible to move arround as normal. However, IF the player takes a shot before the protection-time has passed, it will be automaticlly disabled and he will be aible to take damage from enemies. Ama I right?
Because if this is what you mean then I would really vote for this suggestion, sounds legit to me.
Profezzional said: The other thing BDF and I talked about (and credit goes to Chronospectrum for originally mentioning this part to me) is having a visual indicator of some sort when someone is under spawn protection. It can be as simple as something similar to the light bulb that appears when someone is typing, or as much as an aura or something. Whatever the indicator is, it's really annoying having to shoot someone to see whether they're under spawn protection or not. I also agree with making spawn protection go away when someone shoots. I'd be willing to try out having it with 5 seconds, because it's hard to tell without testing, but my first inclination is that 3 seconds is enough."spawn protection go away when someone shoots" +1 for it, but excluding neutral weapons as the gravity gun.
Max said:Nice! Btw you should check my idea in topic about spectator running.The initial idea was that spawn protection would go away once player start shooting, I think there were some issues with it at the time it was added.
Will look into it again as soon as possible
BlueDragonFire said:While the spawn protection is generally a good idea {though as an unrepentant spawn-killer it sucks xD } I was thinking that it should be removed if the player begins shooting. If a spawner doesn't shoot for that 5 seconds then they're protected but otherwise all bets should be off and they're killable.
tottaly agree and we should put the time down to 3 seconds, 5 seconds in some maps is a lot of time to get to somewhere, imagine going on bunker throw the hall-way with S.p
I forgot to keep watching this topic. Yeah, I mentioned 5 seconds only because I forgot it was only 3. But 3 or 5, whatever works best, IMO.
I agree the gravity gun should be included in what stops the protection. It can kill too, after all. And an indicator of some kind would be great.
Maybe a hand above the head --
Max said:The initial idea was that spawn protection would go away once player start shooting, I think there were some issues with it at the time it was added.
Will look into it again as soon as possible