Username: Warmerisek8
Age: 13
Gender: male
Profile link:
Why do you want to join LETALES: cuz i been playing seen 2020 I on iitryhardii I always want to join this clan and ys I'm ready 1v1
copy every thin
Warmerisek8 said:Username: Warmerisek8
Age: 13
Gender: male
Profile link:
Why do you want to join LETALES: cuz i been playing seen 2020 I on iitryhardii I always want to join this clan and ys I'm ready 1v1
copy every thin
very good player should be accepted he almost won a round against me 2v1 with Mane xaxaxa (he had to block me after)
Hayato said:Current name: Hayato
Old names: Don't have
Why do u want to join Letales ?: It is a great clan, with good players, good leaders.
What do u know about Letales ?: For the clan players and for axiira and for the videos he uploads to YouTube
Will u wear the clan-tag ?: I will use per week example: one week LETALES and another week prof.Dr.
Accepted as temporary member on trial-period. Show ur loyalty throughout the month.
Current name: antoniolol
Old names: Don't have
Why do u want to join Letales ?: It is a pro clan with best leader axiira and top 1 player this year .
What do u know about Letales ?: I watch axiira youtube channel and how he brings his clan as best in warmerise with professional players.
Will u wear the clan-tag ?: I will use per month example: one month LETALES and another month Friends.
Current name: Hyn
Old names: Don't have
Why do u want to join Letales ?: It is a good clan, a very good one, with extremely honorable players and with many skills that surprise anyone. I would like to join to be one of the members of one of the most respected and admirable clans in all of Warmerise.
What do u know about Letales ?: that it is a respected clan with good players and that axiira is a good player with impressive skills
Will u wear the clan-tag ?: always use the tag, since I will only be in that clan if you go to my profile you will see that I am not in any clan because I am saving the space for when they accept me in LETALES