A friend of mine mentioned some Android game called "Hoverboard Sniper" and I got to thinking that a hoverboard here would be wicked. Something you could buy in the Weapons Store for like 50,000 {suggested retail price}. Maybe in addition to what is already with the player {seperate activate/deactivate key}. I'm not sure about limiting its use but if so it could either be limited to a number of times, how long it lasts, or some combination of the 2 {5 uses and each use lasts for up to 30 seconds - or something like that}. Possibly even rechargeable in-game.
Heck, I would even volunteer to create it. Plus, it could be something else that uses custom skins.
in my opinion it would be cool to be hable to buy maps during the game, like, a certain coin number or a high kill streak would enable the player to call a mech...nothing too much OP
about the overboard i think a jet pack (maybe to replace gravity gun idk :3)would be more suitable, however i kinda like the concept of over board too
Well you would use the same controls as normal movement. Regular movement on the board would be somewhat faster than sprint would without the board. And using sprint on the board would be even faster. Though probably not quite as fast as a hummer. You'd also be able to go over water. I'd say it would hover about 1 or 2 feet above the ground/water.
I don't think there'd be any extra jump to it. Though if you go up an incline you'd get a pretty good height as you came off the top of it. I figure it would slowly lower to its regular height as you went along.
I've no idea how it would work if it's being used when a Gravity Gun is used. That might be interesting.
Just for the heck of it I decided to go ahead and create it {didn't take as long as I figured it would}. It's finished and the UV cleaned up nicely. It isn't textured here, of course, but you can see the different elements of it.
And the template {it's actually at 1024x1024 - just reduced here to 700x700 so it would fit on page better}...
Anyway, that's my proposal for the Hoverboard. At some point I might even offer it up publicly, who knows.
EDITED due to change made in Template. -- BDF
@Sterben99 - The custom maps I did I actually used 3ds Max to do most of them, then ported OBJ files into Unity. From 3ds Max I can export it as an OBJ and that could be used in just about any other 3d program. I only started up with Unity when Max brought out the Custom Maps before so I haven't really done any creating with it.
@RaMa - Yeah, I wasn't going to but things like this get into my head and it either has to get done or I have to find something else to do. And I figured if - by some very slim chance - Max decides to put a hoverboard in I wanted to get one in there for him to consider.
BlueDragonFire said:@Sterben99 - The custom maps I did I actually used 3ds Max to do most of them, then ported OBJ files into Unity. From 3ds Max I can export it as an OBJ and that could be used in just about any other 3d program. I only started up with Unity when Max brought out the Custom Maps before so I haven't really done any creating with it.
@RaMa - Yeah, I wasn't going to but things like this get into my head and it either has to get done or I have to find something else to do. And I figured if - by some very slim chance - Max decides to put a hoverboard in I wanted to get one in there for him to consider.
wich custom maps did you do? enter in contact with me by chat (brb)
@Sterben99 - I did {in order} "Dragon's Caldera", "Rubber Ducky" & "D&D's Murder Isle". I'm going to be playing for a bit but have other things going on IRL so I'll be off and on through the day. Catch me if you see me on.
@TheLegend27 - Nope. I'm in Indiana.
BlueDragonFire said:@Sterben99 - I did {in order} "Dragon's Caldera", "Rubber Ducky" & "D&D's Murder Isle". I'm going to be playing for a bit but have other things going on IRL so I'll be off and on through the day. Catch me if you see me on.
@TheLegend27 - Nope. I'm in Indiana.
I remember the Dragon's Caldera and Rubber Ducky, im not sure about the island
I really like the hoverboard and i think it would be nice to have it in the game this would solve a problem
U see, a lot of players like gravity gun because it allows them to cover fast distances quickly despite this being being the original point of the gravity gun it has been corrupted, like mine seeding and jumping out of the line of fire quickly, this would make both sides happy, i wouldn't enable a player to mine seed and to jump out easily outta line of fire HOWEVER it would still enable a player to move quick
Well, the way I see the Gravity Gun is that mine seeding and getting away from someone firing at you are both legitimate uses. Who wants to stay in someone's line of fire if they have such a great way to get out of it? As for the 'mine seeding' that's just natural - get in, lay your mine{s} then get out. Heck, if there was a Gravity Gun IRL you can pretty much bet that would be one of the uses during war-times.
But yeah, a Hoverboard would be very useful.
BlueDragonFire said:Well, the way I see the Gravity Gun is that mine seeding and getting away from someone firing at you are both legitimate uses. Who wants to stay in someone's line of fire if they have such a great way to get out of it? As for the 'mine seeding' that's just natural - get in, lay your mine{s} then get out. Heck, if there was a Gravity Gun IRL you can pretty much bet that would be one of the uses during war-times.
But yeah, a Hoverboard would be very useful.
getting outta the line of fire should be a movement skill only, not the use of a "teleporter" basically, the speed of that equipment is just too OP
mine seeding is use the gg to sprint and throught the run lay some on the path you made in 1 second...that's not "fair" (i mean this ruin the game)
Ahh, you were talking about a whole new hoverboard? I figured you were going to try a texture to fit onto the one I did. LOL.
That does look like an interesting one though. As for sending a pic via the PM, all you'd have to do is put the image link {I usually upload to imgur.com} then I'll be able to open it. Easy-peasy.
@RaMa {+ Sterben} - Now THAT is wicked looking! Heck, I'd choose it over mine. Do you make it as a 3d model or drawing? With such detail that I see in the pic {if it's just a drawing} I could make it a 3d model.
@Bendito - As far as I know, Max hasn't mentioned anything about putting a hoverboard in the game. This was all just wishful thinking.
@LoganRade & Syveikki - IMO, a hoverboard in the game is way more in line with it than a regular knife which can kill a person wearing armor. I mean, how cheap and flimsy can the futuristic armor be to even let the blade scratch it let alone go through it?