Farzblack said: This clan has no longer active and turned into "Legacy Clan" status which means remain active just for reunion with old and new clan mates. A clan members are now allowed to join other active clan if looking for active event such as clan wars and others. Hope this bedtime synopsis answer your question
bruh man you forgot to say that it was me who asked you to add the rule: do not join another competing clan than yours.
Manickaa said:
Thanks for this @Dispater.
I didn't think I was going to quit too -.-
But I had more reason than you to leave this clan.
Farz Black was unfair in removing me from officers because I kicked Risako from the clan while Farz Black allowed me to kick Exalt members but our master has Alzheimer's
@TarzFlack lmao
And I kicked Risako because he insulted me like a dog .
Please dont delete my message now because you ulready delete one of my message in this forum
Manickaa said: You are a fraud.
I can tool my proof in a video lol
Name: AxereN
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Country That I Live In: usa
Where I am from: spanish.
if any jacka-sses mess with this clan i will obliterate them. i am good with knife. and i love flamewars. and a pro at starting them.
Dispater said:Then just leave. Nobody cares about your opinion of how a clan you were banned from is run. It’s up to the owner and only them.I recapitulate . @FarzBlack I just explained the reasons I left, and don't worry I don't want to come back, which is why needless to say I'm banned forever.
Dispater said:I'm not asking your explanation and justification. From your 1st post here as ex clan member, I already told you to get lost.. Now, get lost.. cyaI recapitulate . @FarzBlack I just explained the reasons I left, and don't worry I don't want to come back, which is why needless to say I'm banned forever.