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don't steal people acounts MadKDRtho

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    • 8 posts
    October 27, 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    update: exodite is hacker here is a screen shot if him saying  that he is using alt accounts 



    gyugyuugh has notified me that MadKDRtho has blackmailed him into not being able to use his account because according to him MadKDRtho told him that if he got on or anything he would delete his account and steal all of his money

    images coming soon

    This post was edited by hi45pizza at November 1, 2020 11:34 AM PST
    • 226 posts
    October 27, 2020 1:58 PM PDT
    This is not new. He did this in the past. MadKDRtho is vavy zPurgE. He scams people.
    • 657 posts
    October 27, 2020 2:15 PM PDT

    vavy,that was my friend from long time ago but suddenly idk wat happened to vavy

    • 8 posts
    October 27, 2020 2:20 PM PDT

    so what do you recommend  to do then fallen

    • 226 posts
    October 27, 2020 2:24 PM PDT
    Block and report him if he does anything. If he is fine. Give him a second chance.
    • 8 posts
    October 27, 2020 5:35 PM PDT

    This happened ages ago, havent done anything since my last ban... alo who tf is this Vanzuhure guy? why do you know so much? And why are you so interested in me?

    • 38 posts
    October 27, 2020 5:42 PM PDT

    MadKDRtho said:

    This happened ages ago, havent done anything since my last ban... alo who tf is this Vanzuhure guy? why do you know so much? And why are you so interested in me?

    If this is true in what has happened. You NEED to stop, and face the consequences! Simple as that/ and Vanzuhure does not have to reveal his identity to you.

    • 8 posts
    October 27, 2020 6:01 PM PDT

    idk if i can get pick because of the info which I got from gyugyuugh also gyugyuugh is not my friend any more one warmise and that was the only way I could contact him. so either he account was deleted  by who he said was telling him if he got on he would delete he account also early today gyugyuugh was going online and offline errractialy so idk if MaDKDRtho is trying to get rid of the evidence or what I have gyugyuugh sister contact info so I will try to get some info from her or him to clear up the situation


    MadKDRtho i will not friend you because I think that when you accept a friend a request it starts shares IP address with the person you are talking to so I will not accept 

    • 38 posts
    October 27, 2020 6:04 PM PDT

    hi45pizza said:

    idk if i can get pick because of the info which I got from gyugyuugh also gyugyuugh is not my friend any more one warmise and that was the only way I could contact him. so either he account was deleted  by who he said was telling him if he got on he would delete he account also early today gyugyuugh was going online and offline errractialy so idk if MaDKDRtho is trying to get rid of the evidence or what I have gyugyuugh sister contact info so I will try to get some info from her or him to clear up the situation


    MadKDRtho i will not friend you because I think that when you accept a friend a request it starts shares IP address with the person you are talking to so I will not accept 

    Bro, just block and report him...

    • 8 posts
    October 27, 2020 6:14 PM PDT

    **** sake

  • October 28, 2020 8:57 AM PDT

    Scam of Vavy 2019-2020:

    Vavy has already been banned by owner and is known for his shady work on warmerise his accounts xVavy/xVavster/DARKSOULS47 have already been banned. Now Vavy returns once again to scam.

    Banned Accounts:

    Forums topic of 2019 Ban:



    1) These are Vavy Alt Accounts which can be seen above here. He could have more as well for now these are to come to attention.

    2) His tactics are not so smart but i will break his line of strategy into sub parts and explain what he does and is trying to do.

    • Vavy scams usually players who are underage in their 9-15 ages, he starts off with presenting his own account to use in exchange for others.


    • When the player has handed him over his info of account he changes emailIDs and pass instantly and does not even provide his own as he had mentioned thus keeping both accounts getting cash from it through skins but now its cash transfer option it makes it easier for him to switch.


    • Vavy climbs ranks from account to account for example if his target is to scam a 900 rank player he will use that players account to scam another that is on 500 rank than to 300 and to 100 eventually whoever falls for his manipulative words. If a certain owner of the account acts upon his account stolen.


    • Vavy deletes the account so that the chats of him also get deleted thus the original owner loses his account and effort. 


    3) Vavy knows he will get IP banned as people are witnessing his scams all over again his chances are all fake that he demands. For that reason he has created Exodite to act against his own accounts to make himself safe route so that he doesnt gets banned by pretending to be someone else. But in reality is the same person using multiple alternate accounts to write comments on himself against or in favour. 

    4) Vavy can fool many but cannot fool us. My answer is for the owner to check his ip address to how many alt accounts he has access to and has used similar scams, lock them all. And provide permanent IP Ban so that he cannot access the site at all. We do not require troublemakers that seek destruction of one's effort. Vavy it is better that you stop with this drama of yours because members like me can easily point out your mischief.

    5) Dear warmerise members such as myself please do not share emailIDs and pass with anyone no matter what other person might say to threatern or mislead you. However if you on your own yourself have given ownership of the account that you do not want to use that is your own personal business. But who have gotten scammed or will get affected by the likes of such impurities like Vavy. Make use of Block option and report option. 

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at October 28, 2020 9:00 AM PDT
    • 38 posts
    October 28, 2020 9:09 AM PDT

    What an over reaction, i've just come back to play and have fun omg.

    • 38 posts
    October 28, 2020 9:57 AM PDT

    Venzuhure said:

    Scam of Vavy 2019-2020:

    Vavy has already been banned by owner and is known for his shady work on warmerise his accounts xVavy/xVavster/DARKSOULS47 have already been banned. Now Vavy returns once again to scam.

    Banned Accounts:

    Forums topic of 2019 Ban:



    1) These are Vavy Alt Accounts which can be seen above here. He could have more as well for now these are to come to attention.

    2) His tactics are not so smart but i will break his line of strategy into sub parts and explain what he does and is trying to do.

    • Vavy scams usually players who are underage in their 9-15 ages, he starts off with presenting his own account to use in exchange for others.


    • When the player has handed him over his info of account he changes emailIDs and pass instantly and does not even provide his own as he had mentioned thus keeping both accounts getting cash from it through skins but now its cash transfer option it makes it easier for him to switch.


    • Vavy climbs ranks from account to account for example if his target is to scam a 900 rank player he will use that players account to scam another that is on 500 rank than to 300 and to 100 eventually whoever falls for his manipulative words. If a certain owner of the account acts upon his account stolen.


    • Vavy deletes the account so that the chats of him also get deleted thus the original owner loses his account and effort. 


    3) Vavy knows he will get IP banned as people are witnessing his scams all over again his chances are all fake that he demands. For that reason he has created Exodite to act against his own accounts to make himself safe route so that he doesnt gets banned by pretending to be someone else. But in reality is the same person using multiple alternate accounts to write comments on himself against or in favour. 

    4) Vavy can fool many but cannot fool us. My answer is for the owner to check his ip address to how many alt accounts he has access to and has used similar scams, lock them all. And provide permanent IP Ban so that he cannot access the site at all. We do not require troublemakers that seek destruction of one's effort. Vavy it is better that you stop with this drama of yours because members like me can easily point out your mischief.

    5) Dear warmerise members such as myself please do not share emailIDs and pass with anyone no matter what other person might say to threatern or mislead you. However if you on your own yourself have given ownership of the account that you do not want to use that is your own personal business. But who have gotten scammed or will get affected by the likes of such impurities like Vavy. Make use of Block option and report option. 

    Rey stop it, your the only one here who cares about what i did in the past.

    • 38 posts
    October 28, 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Rey mate, dunno what you dont get, i admit to 'scamming' in the past. im here to play. get a grip of yourself and also get ur facts right. id really like to see where you thought me creating a fake Airwolf account came from. Honestly.

  • October 28, 2020 10:28 AM PDT
    1)Rey? Do you have a habit of seeing random people? Are you suffering from schizophrenia?

    2) Another account comes to light, I am shocked to see how much you have scammed into stealing cumulative amount of accounts.

    3) Please stop the drama, refrain from using random stories to support your cause.
    • 38 posts
    October 28, 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Venzuhure said: 1)Rey? Do you have a habit of seeing random people? Are you suffering from schizophrenia? 2) Another account comes to light, I am shocked to see how much you have scammed into stealing cumulative amount of accounts. 3) Please stop the drama, refrain from using random stories to support your cause.
    Your talking about random people, but the method you described i only tried that on Rey, so REY u ****** up there abit. Ur now naming random people ive never spoken to before. Rey you have no right to be talking you stole 3 of my clans and 2 of my accounts. honestly smh.

  • October 28, 2020 10:38 AM PDT
    1) Your assumptions are so naive.

    2) We can call Max/Sterben/DeathBringer908 at this moment to clarify your story of what abundant of lies you’re presenting to save your skin again.

    3) You admit you tried on this Rey person but where is the proof of him stealing your 3 accounts? Why is it not mentioned anywhere else before? I suggest you the great liar of all time like letsplay/Bengala did using stories to save himself but didn’t work eventually. Face it or get yourself out of the game completely like Deadking17.

    4) Everyone likes to play in peace none see your foolish clever stealing threats.
    • 38 posts
    October 28, 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Venzuhure said: 1) Your assumptions are so naive. 2) We can call Max/Sterben/DeathBringer908 at this moment to clarify your story of what abundant of lies you’re presenting to save your skin again. 3) You admit you tried on this Rey person but where is the proof of him stealing your 3 accounts? Why is it not mentioned anywhere else before? I suggest you the great liar of all time like letsplay/Bengala did using stories to save himself but didn’t work eventually. Face it or get yourself out of the game completely like Deadking17. 4) Everyone likes to play in peace none see your foolish clever stealing threats.
    This is turing into a conversation now. it will be sorted. you have no evidence. no one cares good bye


    • 359 posts
    October 28, 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    why are u doing that bro ;(((

    • 38 posts
    October 28, 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    xShrek said:

    why are u doing that bro ;(((

    wont anymore bro

    • 359 posts
    October 28, 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Exodite said:

    xShrek said:

    why are u doing that bro ;(((

    wont anymore bro

    OK my Zexo Pexo friend we forgive u . #UNBANSCAMMER

    • 212 posts
    October 28, 2020 8:25 PM PDT

    I see that you doing a 5k giveaway xd, winner is Q36378r hope its no a try of scam :eyes:

    • 38 posts
    October 28, 2020 8:46 PM PDT
    Cnz070 said:

    I see that you doing a 5k giveaway xd, winner is Q36378r hope its no a try of scam :eyes:

    Nope, just a simple cash transfer.
    • 212 posts
    October 28, 2020 9:08 PM PDT



    • 8 posts
    November 1, 2020 11:23 AM PST


    uh this is soo confusion